Magic Beach Project

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Shell

I walked out of my house; crossed the sands and walked down to the beach that was right on my island.

It was a beautiful, sunny, warm day.

I grabbed a bucket and walked past the palm trees, past the sand and over to the rock pools.

In the smallest rock pool I saw the most gorgeous shell. It was all different colours and it shimmered in the sunlight.

Suddenly I felt a churning feeling in my stomach.

I closed my eyes and after 10 seconds I opened them.

The glittering walls of a pink room surrounded me. And then it dawned on me?

I was in the shell!!!!! Everything was perfectly still.

I could hear the sea splashing up against the rocks.

I could smell the seaweed and seawater. Suddenly a wave splashed over the shell and everything went dark.

I sat down wondering if it was all a dream.

Then the shell was pushed up to the surface of the water. The shell became clear and see-through.

The sun pressed down on my face and I thought, ?How can I get out of here.? I was scared of the thought that I might stay in this shell forever.

The shell went dark again and I heard some giggling.

Everything became light as it was before, but this time I was under the sea. I saw two big fish tails and a flash of gold. I looked closely out of the shell and I saw two mermaids. They came up to the shell and opened it. I went out and held my breath for as long as I could but I finally gave up. I closed my eyes and then took a breathe.

I could breath! I couldn?t believe it. I looked down and saw a scaly tail. I had become a mermaid!! I tried to talk to the mermaids but the only thing that came out was bubbles. The other mermaids gave me a shell necklace. With it I could talk. They brang me to a beautiful castle. There were Mer-people everywhere.

They fed me foods and gave me a place to live.

And there I stay happily forever and ever and ever.

The End
by Bianca Grade 5/6


  • Bianca, I enjoyed your story very much. I especially liked the part where the shell turned clear and then dark again. I also like the idea of the shell necklace that made you able to talk when you were a mermaid. Your descriptions are lovely and so is the imagination that made them possible!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12 May, 2005  

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